You’ve been dying for a tee-shirt, a light blue one, with Spock on the front, making his legendary Vulcan hand symbol. And you want it in an extra-large. Your sister wants that same Spock image, but on a dark chocolate hoodie and, because pretty petite, she needs a women’s small. Oh, and you want one for dad, too, who’ll want a long-sleeve tee, one that’s military green. In a large. Sounds great, but nobody has all three variations in stock, right? That’d just be, well, illogical.
In the past, yes. But not anymore.
Leading direct-to-consumer online retailer SwagDog.com just launched the beta version of its Star Trek Shirt Builder website. Star Trek enthusiasts can visit SwagDog.com to customize their own apparel by choosing from a wide variety of garments, in various sizes and colors, and from an array of images and/or sayings from all five Star Trek television series.
The beta launch of the Star Trek Shirt Builder is just the beginning. Phase two will include not only additional designs from which to choose, but also the opportunity to personalize and customize numerous graphic elements and even add text to them.
For more information, visit SwagDog.com.