Published Oct 2, 2014
One Trek Mind LIVE in London -- A Preview
One Trek Mind LIVE in London -- A Preview
Remember – they warp on the wrong side over there!
Good day chaps and chappettes. It's an exciting time in the history of One Trek Mind, as is taking the act across the galactic barrier known as the Atlantic Ocean. The live panels I've been hosting at Las Vegas conventions for the past few years is making its debut before British audiences at this year's Destination Star Trek 3 in London. That's right, I, Jordan Hoffman, will take my rightful place alongside Laurence Olivier and John Gielgud as a legendary performer before the United Kingdom's footlights! As Shakespeare was wont to say: Q'aplah!
For UK (and UK adjacent) fans that have looked at the Vegas shows with jealousy, your cries were not in vain. We're hosting three One Trek Mind: Live panels, and they're all tried and true winners. With the aid of the (loud, arguing) fans we'll count down the top ten Next Generation episodes. Is it "The Inner Light"? "Yesterday's Enterprise"? "Darmok"? "Chain of Command"? Maybe something we didn't think of? We'll know in a few days. Also, we're going to list the Top 10 Jerks. As a reminder, Q and Harry Mudd are jerks, Gul Dukat is a villain. And Quark is, at least in my opinion, a hero. But if you think differently, come to the show are state your case.
We're also going to mix and match from all of the series to figure out who makes the best crew. A Kirk-Riker pairing? Or maybe Janeway-T'Pol? Is Scotty the best engineer regardless of who is in the Captain's seat? This was a really fun one when we did it in Vegas, and at the end of this and the other two panels we'll do a compare and contrast between the Brits and the Yanks. It'll be interesting to see where the crossover lies.
All three of the One Trek Mind: Live panels are at the Excelsior Stage at the Excel Center. Friday, Oct. 3 at 3:30 is Best TNG, Sat., Oct. 4 at 12:45 is Best Jerks and Sun., Oct 5 at 11:45 am is Best Crew. So, anyone on Gamma Shift may have to set their alarm, but the rest of you can just take the turbolift on over.
In addition to the OTM:L panels I'm going to host a Dominion War-themed talk/trivia contest on Saturday at 10 am. If you really know your way around the Weyoun clones, I strongly urge you to check this out.
I'll also be hanging around all three of the stages, making intros at the costume contest and – more importantly – trying to keep some of the mayhem together during the attempt to beat the world's record for largest group of Star Trek cosplay under one roof. I hope to see more than one Mirror Universe M'Ress out there!
But if you just can't ever get enough of me (and if this is the case, please share your secret with my wife), I'll be moderating a few additional panels this weekend. On Saturday at 11 am I'll be chewin' the fat with Ronald B. Moore and Andre Bormanis about behind-the-scenes Trek things. At 3:30 I am hosting a chat with the “Aliens of Star Trek” - Steve Rankin, Vaughn Armstrong and Casey Biggs. Sunday morning, bright and early at 9 am, it'll be me and the Ladies of Trek: Suzie Plakson, Hana Hatae and Alice Krige. Later that same day, at 12:30, I'll go one-on-one with Bruce Greenwood on the Voyager stage. Will Captain Pike be back in the next movie? Maybe we can slip him up and get him to tell us?
Gee, I'll need to be a lot of places at once. Maybe a transporter mishap will split me in two so I can cover more ground. That never caused any trouble for Riker, did it?
If you are going to be at the event, be sure to give me a holler either in person or over Twitter (at @jhoffman.) If you aren't going to make it but have a great Dominion War trivia question or something you'd like passed along to one of the panel guests, feel free to jot it down below.
Visit for additional details about Destination Star Trek 3.