Published Dec 15, 2014
Celebrating the Ships of the Line: USS Voyager NCC-74656
Celebrating the Ships of the Line: USS Voyager NCC-74656

The USS Voyager NCC-74656 was an Intrepid-class starship launched in 2371 by Starfleet. Under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway, the ship was relatively small, with a length of 343 meters, a crew complement of 160 and just 15 decks, but she boasted several innovations that set her apart from other ships in the fleet, including variable geometry warp nacelles, an Emergency Medical Holographic program, bio-neural circuitry, quantum torpedoes, tricobalt devices and spatial charges. The Voyager needed all of that and more -- not to mention her sustainable cruise velocity of warp factor 9.975 -- when she wound up trapped for seven years (2371-2378) in the Delta Quadrant.